D.C. Leonard

Donald C. Leonard, Advisor                                                                                      
Donald C. Leonard is President & CEO of D.C. Leonard & Associates, Inc., a California
management consulting firm specializing in the fields of renewable energy, “green building” and sustainable communities.  Services provided include: independent business opportunity assessment, due diligence and valuation; strategic and tactical business planning and financial analysis; strategic alliance development and capital formation; and CEO mentoring and corporate governance.  For more than 40 years he has managed and performed management consulting engagements for a national clientele of Fortune 500 companies and high-tech start-ups.  He has served clients in the aerospace, information systems, telecommunications, retail banking,
petroleum, entertainment, and healthcare industries, with a current focus on the growing “cleantech” and renewable energy industries.   
Don has extensive technical and business knowledge in the alternative energy field
(e.g., solar, wind, hydro, geothermal, biofuel, biomass gasification, waste-to-
energy conversion, fusion power generation, etc.), the “green” building/sustainable
community field (e.g., renewable building materials, net-zero energy management
systems, etc.).  He is also knowledgeable with regard to energy efficiency, demand
response and distributed generation programs in the energy utility industry, as well
as the evolving landscape of carbon credits and clean energy tax incentives.   He
has served as the senior strategic planning consultant to Sempra Energy Utilities
for over 15 years and is currently providing strategic consulting guidance to a
number of startups in the renewable energy and green building fields.
Don holds a BS degree in Aeronautical Engineering from Carnegie Institute of
Technology, with post-graduate studies in astro-dynamics, statistical analysis and
business administration at USC and UCLA.  He is a seasoned entrepreneur and
past member of the Tech Coast Angels, and has served as CEO, director and
shareholder of a number of high tech startup companies.  Don is the former
Chairman of Perfect Point EDM Corporation in Huntington Beach, California, and
is currently a member of the advisory board of Environmental Energy Systems
Incorporated in Golden, Colorado, and is the acting CEO of BioSIPs, Inc. in
Boulder, Colorado. 