The Solution
The Ultimate Solution -
Heavy lon Fusion
What is it?
• The "Holy Grail" of clean energy.
• Involves the controlled fusion of two isotopes of Hydrogen.
* Deuterium (D) and Tritium (T)
What are its principal benefits?
• The fusion reaction releases huge amounts of clean energy.
* A tenth of a gram of fuel releases the equivalent of two barrels of oil.
* Produces no carbon dioxide.
* Does not generate high level radioactive waste materials.
* Can produce gigawatts of base load energy at a cost below that of coal.
• Nearly a limitless supply of Deuterium "fuel" is available in the world's water supply, at virtually no cost.
• Although fusion startup requires Tritium "fuel" from man-made sources, the Tritium for ongoing reactions is produced from the D-T reaction itself.