Heavy Ion Fusion
Heavy Ion Fusion is considered
is not generally known is that a safe practical way to harness the isotope’s of
the Hydrogen reaction was developed in the 1970's but abandoned because it was only
economically viable at a very large scale. Today that large scale is useful. The process is known as High Energy Heavy Ion Fusion.
The Heavy Ion Fusion(HIF) process of combining Deuterium and Tritium (“DT”) to form Helium
and a neutron is a well-known reaction that yields prodigious amounts of
energy. Though sufficient fuel is
available in seawater to sustain the global energy demand for millennia, we
still need an engine capable of running the reaction. As of 2009, the search for such an engine has been going on
for 6 decades and much common wisdom says it is still 5 decades away. The problem is that the search has been
concentrated on the 1 or 2 GW regime (the size of a normal large power plant). But,
if we remove the 1 to 2 Gigawatt size constraint, there is a scientifically endorsed process, using known technology, that can produce a economically viable power plant in the 30 to 50 Gigawatt electric range. Our need for energy is large. So why not use a large energy source to match the need.
Fusion Power Corporation has patents for such an engine. The goal is to have it on line in ten years.