Fascinating Facts
Twelve Fascinating
Little Known Facts
about the use of Fusion Energy
to Generate Electricity
… the “Holy Grail” of clean energy supplies.
1. Fusion has no carbon emissions. It is CLEAN - GREEN energy. It is not a finite fossil fuel.
2. Fusion electricity can cost less per kW than Coal.
3. Fusion’s fuel supply is virtually unlimited.
4. Fusion energy can be harnessed in ways that create little or NO highly radioactive waste.
5. Fusion energy development will create a new industry.
6. Fusion energy development will create hundreds of thousands of new jobs.
7. Fusion energy development can restore America’s position of world leadership.
8. Fusion energy sources can provide the nation with real energy security … not just political rhetoric.
9. Fusion energy is supportive of nonproliferation.
10. Use of Fusion energy can improve the global standard of living and the quality of life.
11. Fusion energy generation can fuel the nation’s and the world’s economic recovery.
Fusion power generation can use currently
known technology - all vetted in the 1980’s.
Bonus Facts -
Fusion energy does not cost too much.
Fusion energy will take ten years to get on line.
Energy paradigms take
30/40 years to change, that folks is 2050!
We must start now to meet the world’s future energy needs.